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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11374230)
Ultrasonic Lamb waves are considered as a sensitive and effective tool for nondestructive testing and evaluation of plate-like or pipe-like structures. The nature of multimode and dispersion causes the wave packets to spread, and the modes overlap in both time and frequency domains as they propagate through the structures. By using a two-component laser interferometer technique, in combination with a priori knowledge of the dispersion characteristics and wave structure information of Lamb wave modes, a two-component signal processing technique is presented for implementing dispersion removal and mode separation simultaneously for two modes mixture signals of Lamb waves. The proposed algorithm is first processed and verified using synthetic Lamb wave signals. Then, the two-component displacements test experiment is conducted using different aluminum plate samples. Moreover, we confirm the effectiveness and robustness of this method.
Lamb waves are widely used in nondestructive testing and evaluation, as well as structural health monitoring, because they can provide more efficient and effective defects inspection methods for plate-like or pipe-like structures compared to those provided by conventional bulk wave inspection techniques.[1–3] Recently, a considerable number of studies pay attention toward corrosion or other defects detection,[4–8] localization,[9,10] and sizing.[11,12] However, because of their nature of dispersion and multimode, for large-range or long-distance testing, Lamb wave signals are frequently becoming considerably complicated owing to the overlapping of multimode wave packets and the duration lengthening as each mode propagates through the structures. Owing to these problems, this type of inspection becomes difficult. On the one hand, dispersion causes the signal energy of guided waves to spread in both space and time when they propagate. This will increase the duration of received signals and decrease the resolution and also the sensitivity owing to the decrease in amplitude. On the other hand, the overlapping of modes makes the signals processing and interpretation complicated and difficult.[13]
The methods of selective excitation for single mode may avoid this problem of dispersion and multimode. These types of method include the comb transducer technique[14] and the angular beam transducer[15] using the narrowband pulse excitation. However, it is difficult to implement, particularly in the high frequency case. Even for the low-frequency case, this narrowband signal may cause a decrease in the resolution when compared with the broadband signal. The other problem is the mode conversion caused by the discontinuities in the propagation path.[16,17] It still makes the received signals multimode and overlapping.
In order to eliminate the dispersion effect of Lamb waves, Alleyne[18] proposed a signal regeneration method, which can obtain a simple waveform at a particular propagation distance by launching a particular dispersive signal. The limitation of this approach is that the input signal should be re-calculated if the propagation distance changes. This causes it to be difficult to use in many cases. There are also some other methods that have been proposed recently, such as a wideband dispersion reversal technique,[19] which try to implement a dispersion self-compensation. The other method presented by Ing and Fink is the time reversal mirror technique to achieve time recompression of Lamb waves,[20] which automatically focuses the energy of Lamb waves and compensates their dispersion. Wilcox[21] presented another signal processing algorithm for a single dispersive mode. By using a priori knowledge of the dispersion characteristics of this Lamb wave mode, this method can eliminate the effect of dispersion and map signals from time domain to distance domain.
Another problem for NDT of Lamb waves is the mode separation for the multimode overlapping signals. Legg[22] et al. attempted to combine dispersion compensation and cross-correlation for enhancing the amplitude of the mode of interest. In general, mode separation is traditionally achieved in the frequency-wavenumber domain using 2D Fourier transform,[23] for which the spatial and temporal data is indispensable. Time-frequency based techniques are typically considered as another effective and popular method for mode separation. Kim[24] employed chirplet transform to decomposition of individual modes from a dispersive and multimodal waveform. Xu et al.[25] introduced a mode separation technique based on dispersion compensation.
However, all of these above methods of dispersion removal and mode separation for multimode Lamb waves can only be implemented under certain conditions. It remains a considerably difficult problem particularly for the cases of modes overlapping in both time and frequency domains.
In this paper, we present a novel approach to conduct dispersion removal and mode separation simultaneously for Lamb wave signals of two modes overlapping in both time and frequency domains. In order to implement this signal processing technique, the dual-component displacements, that is, in-plane displacement and out-of-plane displacement signals, are measured by a two-channel laser interferometer.[26] One of the two modes in both in-plane and out-of-plane displacement signals are first mapped from time to distance domains based on its priori theoretical dispersion characteristic to compensate and eliminate its dispersion. Then using two-component displacement signals and the theoretical amplitude ratio of the two modes at the surface of the plate based on the wave structure characteristics of these two modes, the other unwanted mode can be eliminated by using the theoretical relations presented in this paper.
We present the theory and method in Section
Consider a traction-free homogeneous and isotropic plate. A transducer, which is coupled to this plate by some methods (such as liquid wedge), generate a broadband incident pulse s(t). If the material properties are known, the received Lamb wave signals, which can be considered as out-of-displacement, at any propagation distance x can be synthesized by considering the phase shift of each frequency component separately
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The above spatial position x can be considered as a new origin x′ = 0. Subsequently, we can conduct a back-propagation calculation for this received signal v(x,t). When x′ = −x, the corresponding propagating time will return to the original t = 0, and the dispersive signal will be compressed and will be back to be an original simple pulse shape. Using Eq. (
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For convenience, we rewrite Eq. (
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This calculation achieves a mapping from time to distance for the received signal, and the dispersion is compensated in this procedure. Therefore, g(x) is now a short pulse, or a dispersion-compensated distance-trace. This dispersion compensation method can also be considered to be implemented by multiplying the spectrum of received signal V(x, ω)by a backward propagation factor e−ik(ω)x in the frequency domain.
The above calculation requires the priori dispersion information of the guide wave under investigation. Theoretical phase velocity dispersion curves for two fundamental modes of Lamb wave in an aluminum plate are depicted in Fig.
The above dispersion compensation method is only suitable for the single-mode case, and not applicable to the multimode cases. As mentioned earlier, for multimode cases, the other current mode separation and dispersion removal techniques of Lamb waves in time-frequency domain[25] are also infeasible when modes overlap in the time-frequency domain. One case is shown in Fig.
Compared with conventional piezoelectric transducer-based techniques, laser-based Lamb wave inspection techniques exhibit their advantage in the ability of noncontact detection. Recently, two-component detection techniques have become practical. In this paper, we use a two-channel laser interferometer technique to measure two displacement component signals, that is, out-of-plane displacement and in-plane displacement.
In-plane and out-of-plane displacements at the surface of the sample are measured using a two-channel interferometer. As shown in Fig.
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Consider a common case so that the two fundamental Lamb wave modes A0 and S0 exist in the received signal simultaneously, which typically occurs when the frequency-thickness product is not considerably large. According to Eq. (
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Now, we assume that S0 is the mode of interest to be compensated. For our method, the first step is to eliminate the dispersion of this single mode using the algorithm provided in Eq. (
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In Eq. (
For the two equations in Eq. (
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It is to be noted that the attenuation of guided waves is not considered in the above analysis and calculation. Nevertheless, it is still an effective approach for achieving mode separation and dispersion removal. This can be observed from Eq. (
To verify the proposed algorithm in this paper, synthetic Lamb wave signal with two fundamental modes generated in a 1-mm-thick aluminum plate is simulated to conduct this performance. A broadband Gaussian signal as the excitation ultrasonic pulse with a center frequency of 2.0 MHz is considered. At this frequency-thickness product, group velocity curves of A0 and S0 modes cross each other as marked in Fig.
If S0 is the mode of interest, our target is to use the above algorithm in Eqs. (
It is a similar procedure to separate and compress the A0 mode from the above mixture signal of two modes. In this case, the propagation function should change to be F(ω) = e−ik1(ω)x, and the ratio is Bu/Bv. The results are shown in Fig.
There are two criteria to indicate if the modes are compensated and separated accurately. (i) Dispersion is eliminated, and (ii) arrival distance equals the actual propagation distance. Apparently, the processed signal in Figs.
The experimental set-up is shown in Fig.
The materials parameters of the aluminum plate used in our experiment are density 2700 kg/m3, longitudinal wave velocity 6300 m/s, and shear wave velocity 3120 m/s. Two values of plate thickness of 1.5 mm and 2.0 mm were used.
![]() | Fig. 7. (color online) Energy distribution of A0 and S0 overlapping with their group velocity spectrum for the plate with the thickness of (a) 1.5 mm and (b) 2.0 mm. |
By using Lamb waves’ dispersion characteristics and the theoretical amplitude ratio of two displacement components, the proposed algorithm was applied to separate and compensate the A0 and S0 wave mixture signals shown in Fig.
A novel technique based on two-component displacement (out-of-plane and in-plane displacements) signals measurement was proposed in this paper to compensate and separate two dispersive and overlapping guided wave modes simultaneously, which is infeasible for current and conventional methods, particularly for the case of modes with notable overlapping in both time and frequency domains. In addition to the information of two-component displacement, this technique also requires a priori knowledge of dispersion properties of the two Lamb modes, and their theoretical wave structure information. The principle of this method was presented in this paper. Two-component displacement numerical synthetic signals, which include the two fundamental Lamb modes A0 and S0 overlapping in time and frequency domains, excited by an ultrasonic pulse were calculated. Then, the algorithm proposed in this paper was performed for separating and compensating two modes in synthetic signals. Further, this technique was verified by experimental measurement results, in which two aluminum plates with thickness of 1.5 and 2 mm, respectively, were used. Both numerical and experimental results were perfect in the elimination of dispersion effects and separation of the individual mode from the overlapping two modes mixture signals, which demonstrates the validity of this method proposed in this paper. This shows that this technique is useful in guided waves NDE for plate-like or pipe-like structures. We performed further study on defects analysis and localization in plates using this dispersion removal and mode separation technique through both numerical simulation and experimental measurement signals. This will be discussed in other papers.
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